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Short stories

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01 Preamble

By Marc Rugani


The short stories published here were written for the annual short story competition started in 2002 by the public library of the Abbey of Gif-sur-Yvette in Essonne.
These particular stories didn’t win any prizes, but I took real pleasure in writing them and still take pleasure from re-reading them from time to time.
I hope that you too will enjoy reading them, along with stories by two local authors, François Nanquette and Evelyne Vijaya.
If you yourself are an author and would like your stories to be posted on my site, please don’t hesitate to send me your work for consideration. The conditions are as follows:
-          The publication of your work gives you no new rights
-          No guarantee can be provided for protection of copyright or intellectual property
-          You retain all intellectual and moral property rights to your work, and you are free to seek other publishers
-          I retain the right to remove your stories from the site at any moment without prior notice or approval
-          You retain the right to have them removed from the site on demand